Collection: Matter Company

How We Make Things Matter

Matter skincare formulas are cooked in small batches for 24 hours to extract the herbs’ beneficial properties at Williams’s studio in Toronto’s West end. “It’s the traditional method of extracting and they’re made in small batches,” says Williams. “With herbs, you’re using the whole plant, so you have the benefits of the whole plant and all of the different vitamins and minerals.” But it’s not just about the external benefits of the range, says Williams, but also about taking time out of your day to do something nice for yourself, which in itself is therapeutic. “It’s about those small rituals throughout the day, like making a cup of tea. It’s good for you and you’re taking the time to make that tea,” she says. “With Matter, it’s both an internal and external experience – the products feel luxurious on the skin, but they also do something, and they’re healthy for you. Skincare is a medium to introduce a holistic lifestyle in a ritualistic way.”

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